12 April 2008

Day 13 - Way 13

I was reminded today to be grateful for the little things: A baby that smiles at you, a friend who will tell you what's up, a relationship that doesn't die with time apart(no I'm not talking about a guy, I'm talking about a friend from years back that is still sincere after 4 years of not seeing each other), a sister that will drop her needs to help me with mine, a good decision made months in the past that serves as a reward in the present. I could go on and on. Basically, I know that I am blessed. I know I need to work harder for my blessings and show more humility and gratitude for them.

1 comment:

DeLacerzzzz said...

Today was hard. Really hard. So hard that I wish I didn't have to do it. If I could rewind time, I just might. But, I learn through every hard moment. This will take a lot of fixing. All this big giant mess of myself I have made. Some parts may never be fixed. But, I am blessed to have born in the gospel with the knowledge that I have, THANKS TO MY PARENTS AND FAMILY, so that there is ALWAYS light at the end of my tunnel. I know it will get better. Like Mommy says, "Why can't I just take everyone's word for it".