29 April 2008

Day 29 - Way 29

My Monday Miracle made me motivated! Ha, Ha, that was fun! My Dad was able to help me figure out what I could do to get the car taken care of so that I could get to work and my finals! I am so grateful for modern technology that can help me get through these first few months without my parents. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to start thinking and acting like an adult. I know I still have a lot of growing up to do, and a whole lot more tears I'm going to have to shed, but I appreciate this learning opportunity.

1 comment:

DeLacerzzzz said...

I am really proud of TRacy and I am glad that she has this opportunity to grow. This is very important and I am thankful to my parents for doing this for that reason among many others. Not only are they blessed but we are blessed and people all over the world will be blessed due to this sacrifice.

Monday my opportunity was to learn where my loyalties should lie and gather a bit more information in my quest towards my "correct" future.

Anthony made the Dean's List this semester including his big whopping B in his math class! Congrats to him because everything we have done has been to make this situation occur! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!