22 August 2008

Day 143, 144 - Way 143, 144

Wednesday (143) Wow, I can't believe I am about to say this, but today I am grateful for the University of Utah. Let me quickly clarify. I am grateful for the University of Utah Geography Department. I feel like I am part of a family of geographers whenever I am around anyone from the department and I feel so blessed to be part of that family. Today I went shopping with the geography department secretary and the student president of geography club. There is a picnic in the park on Friday and I volunteered to go with them to do shopping for the picnic. It was a lot of fun and I was very happy to do it, even at 8:30 in the morning! I am also grateful for Beezer, Bryce, pirates and wheelchairs!

Thursday (144) I feel so blessed to have a safe and well built home to come home to. I got a sign at the thrift store yesterday that I put on the front door of my house. It reads "My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy!" Although, it would be cool to have a room or two that look like Better Homes and Gardens rooms, I am so grateful that I don't feel pressure to make this house like that. I am grateful that my house can look and feel like a home! I am also grateful for prayers, humility, patience and forgiveness.

1 comment:

DeLacerzzzz said...

I am blessed with good parents that take me on vacation. I can't wait to go to Canada with them again when they come home!!!!!! HINT HINT HINT HINT