09 July 2008

Day 99 - Way 99

Today was a rough day. To be completely honest, I didn't feel like I had much of a day at all until about five minutes ago. Although I could ramble on about the things that I wish I would have done today, I won't. Instead I will say that I got through the day. I have only 2 full days left until the most exciting thing in my world happens, so the miracle today is that I made it through this day long enough to get tothispoint where I could ponder and reflect on the last year and the amazing journey I have been on and the thrilling journey that lies ahead! I'd say more, but it would ruin the excitement!

1 comment:

DeLacerzzzz said...

What is the most exciting thing in the world?

I had a bad day yesterday as well. I think that the miracle though is communication.